Gameplay #1 – Dynamic Front Line
One of Steel Division: Normandy 44‘s keyfeatures is the brand new Dynamic Front Line. This innovativefeedback tool, displayed for the duration of the battle, evolves with eachof your actions, surging forward as you succeed or invading your partof the battlefield when your units are broken. It reflects the power strugglebetween the two sides, objectively measuring the ground controled during thegame. The Dynamic Front Line accentuates the feeling that you are taking partin a realistic WW2 warfare.
Since late 2015 we’ve had the idea tocreate a dynamic, innovative gameplay mechanic which would evoke traditionalbattle briefings and also slightly break off with the static side of Wargame.We wanted to make something unique that merges fluidity, reactivity and realismand that you could understand in real-time just at a glance without being toointrusive. “TheDynamic Front Line was a technical and design challenge that was a pleasure totake on.” according toKarim Kadar, Lead Gameplay/AI developer, “I can’t wait to see it in the players’ hands!” It was a massive amount of work tofind the right tool and the right balance, but it was definitely worth it. TheDynamic Front Line as it appears today gives the game all its flavour and opensup multiple gameplay possibilities.
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