Projectile Weight (彈重): Wp = 2,700 lbs.
Charge Weight(藥包重): Wc = 650 lbs.
Muzzle Velocity(炮口初速): Vo = 2,500 fps.
Weight of Recoiling Parts(后座部件重): Wr = 250,000 lbs.
g (重力加速度)= 32.174 fps^2
Projectile Kinetic Energy (彈丸動(dòng)能)= 0.5*((Wp/g)/2)*Vo^2 = 2.622*10^8 ft-lb.
To compute the kinetic energy of the propellant gases we must know the average velocity of the gases as they escape the muzzle. Experiments have shown that this velocity varies between 1,200 and 1,400 mps. depending on the muzzle velocity of the weapon. For purposes of these calculations we will use 1,200 mps or 3,937 fps.
Average outflow velocity of propellant gases(平均燃?xì)鈬娚渌俣龋? w = 3,937 fps
Gas Kinetic Energy(燃?xì)鈩?dòng)能) = 0.5*((Wc/g)/2)*w^2 = 78.29*10^6 ft-lb
To compute the Kinetic energy of the recoiling parts, we must determine the velocity that they would achieve if allowed to recoil with no retarding force. This is commonly referred to as the free recoil velocity. To account for the difference between the velocity of the projectile and that of the propellant gases, we will use the aftereffect coefficient B which is defined by the relationship:
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