Well, first we need a forge, and then we need thngs to make with the metal, so we'll need the metal tools and the smithy. These can take a while to make but they are worth it. You'll also start to see Chitin Armour coming up as well as the final piece of wood building blocks, the window.
Not only this however.... are those.... guns!?
Yes they are! However to make these we need to go aaaaall the way back to the start again. Remember that mortar and pestle?
Well we now need sparkpoweder and gunpowder, as well as a spyglass for making scopes. The gunpowder will give you access to the flare gun, which whill allow you to make the longneck rifle and it's simple rifle ammo.
In total these will cost you a whopping 209 Engram Points... That's quite a lot but it's an entire metal age... It's bounfd to cost you a lot!
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